All spiritual traditions have created prayers for a host of situations and experiences. On this page you will find my reworking of many of these traditional prayers, along with new prayers I am writing. Ultimately each one of us will develop a unique personal style and language for our prayer; the words of others can help and guide us on the way to finding the one prayer we have to make.
I glory in summer and a life lived with abandon,
The pleasures of the natural world offered me daily,
As I glory in my own summertime of life,
When I can do anything, go anywhere, free.
And I fear the approach of winter when all is silent and still
Nothing growing, nothing appearing,
As I fear the winters of my life
When I, too, will lie silent and still, asleep.
Spirit of all seasons,
Spirit beyond all seasons,
I would seek to live outside the seasons
Yet I know I exist only within seasons.
Teach me to move through the seasons of my life with grace,
Not unfeeling nor unaware
But willing to see and accept what each season brings
As being beautiful in its own time,
That I, too, might be beautiful in my own time.